EP 84 :: Act Now To Take Control Of Your Future :: Rory Clark

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Attorney Rory Clark brings to his practice more than 30 years of elder law, estate planning, asset protection, and special needs planning experience. He not only understands the complex legal issues involved as a professional but also the intense emotional issues as a caregiver. His father, a World War II veteran, suffered from Alzheimer’s disease for 11 years and eventually had to reside in a memory care facility. His mother battled Parkinson’s disease for 14 years.

The movie I Care A Lot is about a crooked legal guardian who drains the savings of her elderly wards and meets her match when a woman she tries to swindle turns out to be more than she first appears.

Rory talks with Bobbi and Mike about the movie I Care A Lot and the importance of selecting your legal guardian ­– who would be responsible for your care – sooner than later.

“The woman who is the object of this exploitation had simply prepared a financial power of attorney on her own, she could have done it online and named her daughter or a friend, that would have precluded the crooked guardian from stepping in and taking away her rights,” Rory explains. 

“We like to think we have a lot more time to address this than we actually do,” Bobbi says. “One of the things that I try to teach people is that the time is now, regardless of how old you are, to prepare a power of attorney and share it with your family.”

“When you make a decision to put off this kind of basic planning, you're making a decision. A decision not to act is a decision. And the question isn't, ‘Is your oldest daughter the perfect agent for you?’ Under all considerations, under all circumstances? The real question is, is she a better choice than no one?” Rory says.

Rory also has a son with Asperger’s syndrome and severe anxiety disorder. Helping his family cope with these issues has given him a unique experience that has underscored his empathy and motivation to provide for all of his clients with the compassionate, skilled, and personal attention they deserve. 

Elder law, unlike virtually every other field of law, is not focused so much on any one particular subject matter but on the needs of a particular type of client—seniors and their families. You can find out more about The Legacy Elder Law Center here website and follow them on Facebook and Twitter.

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